In 1969, on a dare from one of my fellow band members, I was given the task of coming up with a plan that would allow our band to release an LP at no cost to us. None of the band members thought it was possible and all I could think of was, “oh ye of little faith”. Well, needless to say the plan was consummated and has been successful for over forty years. So, from 1969 through 1984, our clients utilized my plan to release their own LP at no cost to them, and in addition made several thousand dollars to boot. For singers, this was the best fundraiser on the planet. Then in 1984, with the introduction of the compact disc (CD) I switched my marketing to, “Release Your Own CD at No Cost to You”. Due to the popularity of the user friendly Computer, the Internet, creation of Photoshop, the Social Networks and “Karaoke”, my business went through the roof.
Then something unusual happened. A singer who had just purchased “Release Your Own CD at No Cost to You” called me with excitement in his voice. He said, if I understand this material correctly, I could make up to $50,000.00 from my CD project. He then went on to tell me, the creator of the concept, how the program worked. When he finished he asked, am I right! I answered, you’ve definitely got a handle on it son, but I must inform you that although it is possible to raise $50,000.00, it’s definitely not probable. As he hung up he politely said, it may be difficult but I’m gonna try.
This kid brought a smile to my face. He was full of confidence and he actually believed that if he could dream it, he could achieve it. He is the only singer in 40 years to ever mention to me that they could make $50,000.00 from using my concept. My website, has always stated that singers could pay for their CD project plus put up to $15,000.00 in their pocket. Nowhere did it mention that a singer could make $50,000.00, but this kid from Arkansas actually believed that he could do just that!
I knew the challenges an individual singer would encounter in attempting to make $50,000.00 from the use of my concept, but this kid got me to thinking. What if, I could multiply the number of participants from one to four, five or even ten or more, now that would definitely make the $50,000.00 obtainable. Since I had grown up listening to the Temptations, Drifters, Four Seasons, Supremes and the Beach Boys, I quickly convinced myself there were numerous singing groups with four or more members.
Then, all of a sudden it came to me, “Churches”. I silently asked myself, do you know how many Church Choirs, Bands and Singing Groups there are in the world? Tens of thousands! And what do most Church groups have in common? They spread the Gospel through their music and raise money for worthy causes. Thirty minutes after I hung up the phone, my new found Church fundraising idea was in priority mode. I laughed as I thought, it took 40 years and one redneck singer from Arkansas to enlighten me.
Therefore, a Gospel Division was created to focus exclusively on offering our concept and services to Churches who desire to raise a large sum of money. Please understand, this is not a long drawn out process. Ninety days from today, your Church can have these funds in their bank account. I’m here to tell you that this is a “God Send” for Churches.
I was baptized at the age of thirteen, at the First Baptist Church in Judsonia, Arkansas, and have followed the teachings of Jesus Christ since that day. In addition, I have spent the past forty years as a Real Estate Investor, Author, Keynote Speaker, College Real Estate Professor, Singer, Songwriter, Agent, Manager, Promoter and Front Man for various bands. Although I have recorded numerous records throughout my career, it wasn’t until the year 2003 that I released my very first Gospel CD. It is my honor to offer you this unique fundraising opportunity.